Dishonest and Void of Creativity: Michael Gungor on The Problem with the Christian Music Industry

“The point is that the industry that labels things as Christian and sells them to you has far more to do with marketing then Christianity.”


My roommate recommended I read this, and because she knows me so well, I loved it and had to pass it along. This blog post written by Michael Gungor (of the band Gungor) has been severely criticized by many, shared on social media by the thousands, and I think really sheds some thought-provoking truth on the tricky topic of “Christian” music. It reminded me a lot of Jon Foreman’s comments about how Switchfoot doesn’t sing “Christian” songs.

Just take my word for it – it’s worth your time to check it out. I agree with a lot of what he says even if it might ruffle the feathers of some of the people in my very conservative small hometown and church because I believe in the powerful and worshipful art of real music and hold such a deep appreciation for artists like Gungor and others that don’t just follow the crowd of (in his words) “musical zombies.” It’s about so much more than being classified in a certain genre on iTunes.

Click here to read.

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